Sugar Hill's Participation Trophy Government
I never said this in my previous posts on the topic, but based on the comments at the April City Council work session, it looks like the City does plan to approve the Natural Gas Connections contract with the Municipal Gas Authority of Georgia.
Mayor Brandon Hembree seemed to give it his seal of approval when he said he had met privately with the City staff to ask questions (no mention of what the questions were or their answers). Council Member Marc Cohen seemed satisfied that the debt from the installment programs would be owned by MGAG (although nothing was shown to verify that). Council Member Jenn Thatcher never re-asked her very valid question about program results.
This City Council seems very content to sign off on whatever staff tells them. They ask a few questions sometimes, mostly for show because I have called them out on this repeatedly. In the end, they approve almost everything put in front of them. As a result, the City staff is not putting serious effort into choosing good solutions for the City or justifying their recommendations.
None of the Council Members even asked about the showroom or the appliance storage, or how the City would pay for that. None of them noticed that what the City has budgeted in the Gas Fund for Gas Marketing and Rebates is not enough to cover this contract.
Either no one on City Council read this entire contract, or no one was smart enough and diligent enough to really think about it.
None of that failure stops either the elected officials or their top employees from being exceedingly proud of themselves and bragging about themselves and each other whenever possible.
Welcome to Sugar Hill's Participation Trophy Government, y'all.