Online Comments Now Closed for the First Public Hearing of Envision 100
Earlier today, the City of Sugar Hill closed the “virtual input forum” it held to collect public comments in conjunction with its first public hearing for “Envision 100,” the name it has given the process of updating the City’s comprehensive land use plan.
The first public hearing, held on July 17 during the monthly Planning Commission meeting, had fewer than ten (10) attendees, and was only attended by part of the Sugar Hill Planning Commission.
The virtual input forum, originally slated to close on July 28, was held open for almost five more days when respondents complained on the forum (and possibly to City Hall) that they had only found out about the forum from an email from the City that went out on the afternoon of July 27.
In the end, the virtual input forum only collected forty-three (43) responses, shown in the screenshots below.