City of Sugar Hill Quietly Begins a New Development Authority
Last year, the City, very quietly, started putting together a new development authority. This year, they are beginning their regular meeting schedule of the second Wednesday of every month at 5:30 PM.
They will be meeting tonight in the "Pantograph" room of the E-Center.
This group is separate from the Downtown Development Authority (DDA). Like the DDA, it will be able to offer tax incentives, like the one provided to the SOLIS apartments going up next to City Hall.
At the City Council meeting had said during a meeting that a key focus of this development authority will be the "Riverlands" area, which I assume to be the large tract of City-owned property near the Chattahoochee River.
There was no announcement of the addition of the Development Authority page on the website, and no one announced the new meeting schedule at any of the City Council meetings. The Development Authority didn't have a section on the Agendas and Minutes page until very recently. I didn't see anything for it in the events calendar until today.
They're starting off on a bad foot by clearly trying to exclude the public. Apparently, they had their inaugural meeting last month, which I did miss. I am including a screenshot of the meeting summary, which I just found today.
I hope they enjoyed their brief moment of flying under my radar, because now I'm fully locked in and enthusiastically looking forward to providing the extra scrutiny their sneakiness has earned.
For more information about the new group I will be following:
To see their agendas and meeting minutes: