City of Sugar Hill Calls Special Meeting
Tomorrow - Thursday, December 28 - at Noon in City Hall.
This morning, the City of Sugar Hill announced plans to hold a Special Called Meeting tomorrow at noon to accept the 2022 audit of the City’s finances and a 2022 budget amendment.
Audits are typically completed and presented to the Mayor and City Council around September. The City requested an extension for this audit for reasons they did not disclose on their official City website, the official social media channels, or at any of the previous public meetings.
Likewise, the details of the budget amendment have not been released by the City on its official, taxpayer-funded mechanisms for distributing public information.
The Special Called Meeting will also include an Executive Session. According to State Law, the Mayor and Council are allowed to meet privately without reporters or members of the public present to discuss legal, personnel, and real estate matters. However, official actions taken based on these discussions are generally required to be voted on before the public following the Executive Session.