City Council Indicates Plans to Table Supplemental Gas Authority Contract for Marketing Services
At the May City Council Meeting tonight, it seems like the City Council will again table a measure to sign a supplemental contract with MGAG (the Municipal Gas Authority of Georgia, from whom the City purchases its natural gas) for a program called Natural Gas Connections.
The program consists of sales and marketing services that are supposed to help encourage customers to stay on natural gas and/or expand their use of gas.
When the measure came up in March and April, staff could never define the problem they wanted to solve in precise numerical terms. The MGAG representative who talked to the City about the program never showed proof that it had been a success for their current customers. After I wrote some articles about the failure of the Council to ask serious questions about the contract and demand real answers, they did ask better questions at the April City Council Meeting. However, nothing in the answers made this program look any more attractive than before, if you care about using money wisely.
This contract deserves to go down in flames. Sustainable and affordable blue flames brought to you by an infrastructure more reliable than this country's electric grids...the blue flames I probably just sold better than this program would have.